Working from home as a freelancer certainly provides flexibility, but it can also lead to a sedentary lifestyle if you're not careful. When you don't have to commute to an office, it's easy to stay at your desk for hours on end without breaking for exercise or even just a stretch. This lack of activity can take a toll on both your physical and mental health.

It's crucial that remote workers make an effort to incorporate wellbeing practices like exercise, healthy eating and work-life balance into each day. Doing so will provide the energy and focus needed to stay productive in your freelance career, while also keeping you fit, reducing stress and avoiding burnout. We'll discuss some practical tips freelancers can use to maintain their health and prevent the inactive pitfalls of working from home.

Stay Active During the Working Week

We all know that keeping our body moving is important for general wellbeing, but it’s particularly important for remote workers who are more inclined to lead a sedentary lifestyle. There are several ways to do this. First, set a schedule and stick to it. Just as you would block off certain hours for work meetings or project deadlines, schedule time for exercise every day. Make sure you write it into your calendar and treat that workout appointment as non-negotiable. Having a fixed time when you know you'll exercise each day makes it much easier to motivate yourself and build a consistent habit.

It can help to invest in some home exercise equipment, so you have a convenient set-up for working out on your lunch breaks or just before your workday begins rather than having to travel to a gym. Consider investing in a few simple pieces of equipment like a stationary bike, treadmill or resistance bands. Alternatively, if you want something more interactive and specialist, you might consider buying a golf simulator or a smart fitness studio mirror for an engaging form of cardio in your home.

Another option is to take walking meetings whenever possible. If you have meetings or calls that don't require you to be at your computer, do them while getting outside for some fresh air and extra steps. The beauty of working in a popular overseas location is that you can explore while working, so go for a walk around your neighbourhood or a nearby park when chatting with a client or colleague. This gives your brain a break while also working your body.

Take Regular Breaks

When you work from home, it's easy to get sucked into working for hours on end without coming up for air. Taking regular screen breaks throughout the day is crucial both for your eye health and overall wellbeing. Stand up, step away from your desk and give your eyes a rest from the screens. Do some shoulder rolls, march in place or simply walk around to get your blood flowing.

Even just a 1-5 minute break to interrupt the monotony of work and clear your mind can leave you feeling refreshed and ready to dive back in. These intermittent breaks give your stamina and productivity a boost by preventing mental fatigue from constant work. And by separating yourself from your desk, you’ll also reduce the temptation to continue working rather than taking the time your mind and body need to recharge.

Keep Your Workspace Organised

When setting up your remote workstation, make an effort to keep your workspace tidy and organised. Maintaining an orderly environment will help prevent unnecessary stress and distraction, which allows you to maintain optimal focus as you move through your workday.

Use file management software like Google Drive or Dropbox to keep all your important files stored neatly in one place. This makes them easily accessible whenever needed. You may also want to set up an online calendar to track deadlines, client meetings, and other crucial events. Having a centralised system for your schedule helps keep your freelance business running smoothly.

Learn to Say ‘No’ to Extra Work

As a freelancer, it can be tough to turn down work when you need to keep projects flowing in but be sensible about managing your workload. Taking on too much can quickly lead to burnout and so it’s important to know your limits and learn to say no when necessary. Before accepting a project, think carefully about your current workload and ongoing commitments – be realistic about what you can deliver given your bandwidth. It’s better to pass on an opportunity than to do a rushed, subpar job that damages your reputation.

When declining work, be polite but firm in setting boundaries. For example, “I appreciate you thinking of me for this project. Unfortunately, I don’t currently have the capacity to take this on. Please keep me in mind for future opportunities once my schedule opens up again.”

Blocking off time for non-work activities in your calendar also helps reinforce boundaries. When you have set plans for exercise or family time, it’s easier to maintain those priorities rather than cramming in more work. Being selective about what you take on and allowing yourself to say no when needed prevents overload and enables you to produce your best work.


Maintaining wellbeing as a freelancer requires some intentional effort, but it is time well spent. By actively incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine, you'll have the energy, focus and motivation needed to be productive in your work while avoiding burnout.

Finding the right work-life balance enables you to be at your best in both spheres. The structure and boundaries you put in place to maintain wellbeing will allow you to sustainably and successfully manage your freelance career in the long-term. By making self-care and healthy habits core parts of your lifestyle as a remote worker, you can thrive in this flexible and rewarding way of working.

Author: Justin Aldridge


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